What you will need
- Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010(free)
- If you want to do your own theme, you can change the websites in the instructions to websites of your own choice.
example: tabs |
- Open Microsoft Visual C++ Express and start a new project
- Drag the sides of the application to make it larger, make it a convenient size to hold a website with a little added room at the top.
- Go to the toolbox and drag "Tab Control" into your form. Expand it to fill the form(application) up.
- Right click it and select "properties". You should see something like the image on the right.
- Hover over the TabPages (Collection) part and you should see a little button appear. Click on it and select "tabpageone". The example:tabs image is from Fireburst Webmasters App.
- In the text section, change the text from tab page 1 to "CoolText", then go to tabpagetwo and change it to "Flaming Text". If you like you can ad a tab and change the text to "Logo Maker."
- Select OK
- Go to tabpageone: the tab that says CoolText. Pull up the toolbax and drag 'web browser control" into the form, below the tabs. the tab "CoolText should be white. Right click and select "properties." Where it says "URL," enter "http://www.cooltext.com." If you want no error message, change from "False" to "True" the only on that is false from the start. It is "script errors suppressed." If you want errors to still be shown, keep it true.
- Do the same thing for the other two tabs, using the following URLs: for "Flaming text" its "http://www.flamingtext.com" and for "Logo Maker" its " http://www.logomaker.com/."
- Go to the top and click "debug." When it asks you if you want to build the solution, select "Yes." After it debugs and builds give it some runs.
- To offer it for download on a website or blog, create a .zip file and put your application in it. Upload the .zip file to your website or use Google Sites. Right click on the link to your file and select "copy Link" or your browser's version of that. On your site's editor, create a link, and in the text put Download" or some variation of that. In the URL box paste the link you copied.