Other Code Resources

There are many other places to learn code. Click on an image to visit the site.

Feel free to suggest more code tutorial sites in the comments! I'll be glad to add safe sites to this list. 


  1. Last time I went to Code from Fireburst Specialized Search it sucked. I hear they've changed it allot, making it usable, but I don't think I'll go back.

    1. It's much better now. There's even options to search for tutorials on HTML, CSS and PHP!

    2. It is better now, I worked on it.

    3. Then I'm sure its good, lol.


Feel free to comment. Keep it nice, polite and on topic. You may link to a site if it contains content relates to the content of whatever post you are commenting on. You may link to a site that only uses, for example, HTML5 video. Remember, on topic!